Media Moments
In MEDIA MOMENTS you’ll find out about television news. Just as there are architects who draw blueprints and construction workers who create buildings, there are people who put the news together. A news program is carefully structured. All the people and things that go into the mix affect the final product.
The Media Literacy component discusses what media literacy is, the key concepts, a glossary of terms and much more information about this important topic.
Educational Resources
Produced: 2001
Subject Area: Media Literacy
Grade Level: All Grades
Resources: Media Moments Teacher Guide
This segment deals with set design, the physical elements of a news program, and people behind the scenes that make it happen.
The News Director decides which stories will be used in the program. The Producer decides how a story will look before it gets on the air (where to put it during the program and who will tell it). The Reporters get the news and the Anchorperson reads it on the air.
First a reporter gathers the who, what, where and why of the event. Stories are then edited and given to the anchorperson to read.
Commercials are the key to funding the news.