Forum 360
This public affairs series provides a local viewpoint on global topics. Topics covered are both educational and entertaining, and are hosted by a Northeast Ohio community member who assists in determining the show’s content.
Next on Forum 360
Monday, Sept. 2, at 5 PM
“Kemp Boyd from Love Akron” Kemp Boyd, who is executive director of Love Akron, head coach of the Garfield High School football team, pastor of Garden City Church, a member of the City of Akron's police oversight board and a devout family man, serves as a role model in our Northeast Ohio community by leading with his heart.
Monday, Sept. 2, at 5:30 PM
“Wearable Health Care Technology” The market for wearable “smart” health devices, including trackers, monitors and sensors, has exploded. Dr. Ben Alencherry, Cleveland Clinic cardiologist, offers insight into the pros and cons of such devices, and potential future developments.