Teaching with Tech: Ohio’s Standards
Many teachers are probably already fulfilling a number of Ohio’s new Learning Standards for Technology, although they may not be aware of the fact. With practical insights from creative educators successfully integrating the standards, as well as the state Department of Education, TEACHING WITH TECH: OHIO’S STANDARDS provides the groundwork for you to understand what you are already accomplishing, as well as minor changes that could help your students achieve even more.
Produced: 2018
Subject Area: Interdisciplinary
Grade Level: K-12
This video provides the groundwork for you to understand what you are already accomplishing, as well as minor changes that could help your students achieve even more. We recommend that you watch this video before proceeding to the classroom lesson example videos.
Additional Information:
Ohio Learning Standards for Technology:
Integrating Technology into the Model Curriculum:
Technology Pearltree:
Learning Management System for Ohio Education:
The Ohio Educational Technology Conference
Grades K-2
Eastwood Elementary kindergarten teachers differentiate instruction covering multiple skill levels, as well as multiple subjects, at the same time. The children use apps, such as Osmo and Book Creator, to learn math, writing, reading and more. Kindergartners collaborate and communicate in different ways as they experience the foundation of the learning standards for technology in the classroom.
Technology Lesson Strands:
- Information and Communications Technology
- Society and Technology
Additional Information:
Lesson Plan
Kindergarten Technology Lesson Strands and Topics (PDF file)
Student Projects
I am an Author Book 1
I am an Author Book 2
YouTube Playlist
Osmo in the Classroom
Teacher Email
Betsy Hood, Director of E-Learning: bhood@eastwoodschools.org
Shay Nafziger, K Teacher: snafziger@eastwoodschools.org
Rachelle Chaffee: rchaffee@eastwoodschools.org
In a first grade class at United Elementary, students use tablets to research penguins online, but the lesson’s end product is created using crayons. They collaborate throughout the science lesson and present their findings at the end, developing their writing and speaking skills. Throughout the process the Learning Standards for Technology are adapted to fit the skill level of the students.
Technology Lesson Strands:
- Information and Communications Technology
- Society and Technology
Additional Information:
Information and Communications Technology Strand
Topic 2: Identify main ideas and details in information found with digital learning tools and resources.
Topic 3: With guidance, create artifacts using digital learning tools and resources to demonstrate knowledge.
Topic 4: With guidance, select appropriate digital learning tools and resources to produce and publish information.
Lesson Activities
The lesson consists of students working in groups of 3-4 to research different topics (based on learners’ abilities/styles) about Emperor Penguins. They will scan a QR code, which will take them to teacher-vetted websites for answers to topic questions. These topics are: food, habitat, predators, zoos, rescue efforts, oil spill effects and migration. Once they have researched the topic, they will create a poster telling 3 or more facts on that subject and present their findings to the class.
Teacher Email
Sarah Garn, First Grade teacher: sarah.garn@united.k12.oh.us
Second graders at Williamson Elementary work in groups to create “video dictionaries,” utilizing a tablet and an app. In this English Language Arts (ELA) lesson, students complete graphic organizers then go online to find images to illustrate their words. They write their own sentences, completing the project by recording their own voices and adding extras, such as backgrounds and special effects. The dictionary is online to share with others and refer to for future use.
Technology Lesson Strands:
- Information and Communications Technology
- Society and Technology
Additional Information:
Lesson Information
Power Words
Teacher Email
Rachel Carter, Technology Integration Specialist: rachel.carter@youngstown.k12.oh.us
Dena Esmail, Teacher: dena.esmail@youngstown.k12.oh.us
Wade Warner, Teacher: wade.warner@youngstown.k12.oh.us
Grades 3-5
Students in the third grade accelerated readers class at East Canton Elementary create non-fiction books, based on a novel, The Rats of Nimh. The novel includes animals and plants that are not common knowledge for third graders. Researching, writing and illustrating their books helps their reading comprehension, as well as many other skills. Plus, the students are proud for others to see their work. Teachers Molly Walker, as well as Karren Kandel developed this project.
Technology Lesson Strands:
- Information and Communications Technology
- Society and Technology
- Design and Technology
Additional Information:
About the Lesson Plan
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats / Book Creator
Students learned about the non-fiction elements in a fictional story. Students researched either an animal or plant that is in the story to help them develop a deep understanding of the book. They used kid friendly search engines, https://www.kiddle.co and https://www.kidzsearch.com to find information.
Once they had the information for their page of the book they use book creator to create their story.
Book Creator
Teacher Email
Molly Walker: molly.walker@osnaburglocal.org
Fourth Grade teachers at Genoa Elementary, in collaboration with technology integration specialist, Christine Danhoff, have their students work in teams researching various landforms and then creating an interactive “Landform Museum,” using augmented reality, as well as flip grid videos. Students are both teachers (by creating the landform exhibits) and learners (by visiting the exhibits and answering questions).
Technology Lesson Strands:
- Information and Communications Technology
- Society and Technology
- Design and Technology
Additional Information:
Lesson Plan
Bringing Landforms to Life with AR (PDF file)
Teacher Email
Christine Danhoff: cmdanhoff@genoaschools.com
Willyard Elementary fifth grade teacher, Kandis Torch, uses robots for students to learn hands-on about concepts like speed and Newton’s Law. Through designing code for the robots to go fast, the students see science and math come to life. The excitement in the classroom is palpable. Mrs. Torch uses her own creativity to raise money for the tools she uses online.
Technology Lesson Strands:
- Information and Communications Technology
- Society and Technology
- Design and Technology
Additional Information:
Lesson Plan
Robots Rule - 5th Grade Science (PDF file)
Donors Choose Website
Social Media
Follow Kandis Torch on Twitter for more ideas, @MrsTorch5.
Teacher Email
Kandis Torch: kandis.torch@ravennaschools.us
Grades 6-8
Learning stations powered by technology help ALL Lee Eaton Elementary sixth graders advance in English Language Arts (ELA). Students are grouped by skill level, interest and learning style and empowered to make choices along the way. A supportive environment encourages teachers to take risks with new technologies as they grow along with their students.
Technology Lesson Strands:
- Information and Communications Technology
- Design and Technology
Additional Information:
Data Binder (PDF file)
Teacher Email
Dawn Monroe, Language Arts Team Leader, grade 6: dawn.monroe@nordoniaschools.org
Angela Wojtecki, Library Media Specialist, 1:1 Integration Specialist: angela.wojtecki@nordoniaschools.org
LaBrae Middle School seventh graders choose to come to TERMS (Technology, Engineering, Robotics, Math and Science) Class, knowing that they will face challenges that seem insurmountable at first. The students develop their own solutions to problems, using Lego Mind Storm kits, programmable bricks, motors and sensors.
Technology Lesson Strands:
- Information and Communications Technology
- Design and Technology
Additional Information:
Teacher Email
Joe Slifka, Teacher: joseph.slifka@labrae.school
Eighth graders at Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools explore how to use technology to make a positive change in the world. Working with a volunteer organization, they build a mechanical hand using a 3D printer. They work through the design process, negotiating challenges along the way, hoping that their product will work to help someone in need.
Technology Lesson Strands:
- Information and Communications Technology
- Society and Technology
- Design and Technology
Additional Information:
Enabling the Future: Build a Hand Project
Teacher Email
David Kimball, Makerspace Implementer of Technology: david.kimball@chagrinschools.org
Michael Wujnovich, Teacher of Design and Modeling; Automation & Robotics: michael.wujnovich@chagrinschools.org
Grades 9-12
Hoover High School Teacher, Tom Wilson, along with production and broadcast journalism students from Stark County High Schools (Hoover, Glen Oak, Lake and Jackson) take video storytelling on the road in a van equipped for remote production. With an onboard control room and editing stations, plus room to transport a set, cameras, lights, etc. the students tell stories in Columbus at the OETC (Ohio Educational Technology Conference). Mr. Wilson also shares his advice on creating an entry level video program with minimal equipment. Examples include: video announcements, cross-curricular activities, and community outreach.
Technology Lesson Strands:
- Information and Communications Technology
- Society and Technology
- Design and Technology
Additional Information:
North Canton City Schools NCtv Media Program
Teacher Email
Tom Wilson: wilsont@northcantonschools.org
Akron STEM High School Learning Coach, Sam Appleby, and his 11th and 12 graders take on a project using problem-based learning to create an app to help fight the heroin epidemic. One team of students won the Congressional App Challenge for their App, “The Truth About Opioids.” The students worked in conjunction with the Akron Fire Department and Summit County Health Department on the project.
Technology Lesson Strands:
- Information and Communications Technology
- Society and Technology
- Design and Technology
Additional Information:
Congressional App Challenge
Teacher Email
Sam Appleby: rappleby@apslearns.org
Jackson High School students in Senor Humphrey Fradl’s Spanish 3 class form families and create websites featuring their family characters. The families complete various projects such as “La Casa,” where they find a home online in a Spanish-speaking country to purchase. All of the family experiences expand the students’ vocabulary, grammar and cultural knowledge. They present their projects on their websites, supported by pictures, writing and other elements. The teachers have everything the students need online, with no need for a textbook.
Technology Lesson Strands:
- Information and Communications Technology
- Society and Technology
Additional Information:
Jackson High School—Spanish III: Virtual Spanish
Teacher Email
Humphrey Fradl: hpf2jc@jackson.sparcc.org